Page name: The BattleField [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-08-14 15:59:44
Last author: Legendary
Owner: Legendary
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The BattleField


Long ago, there was a great and terrible battle, the three champions of there respective nations faced down the demon that brought forth the apocolypse and the destruction of man, as the battle raged the world was decimated,when all was said and done the demon lay dead,But so did the Champions,because of this the demon was sealed behind another pitiful seal made by the human race,and within a few thousand years,the demon had returned and destroyed all of the human race,to stop this a being with no name,and no identity,traveled back in time and selected 3 young warriors and scholars,to send back in time,to the time of the elements,to make sure that the champions did not die,a second time,unfortunatly due to this meddeling time has been distorted,and new enemies not recorded in there history have emerged,has this meddeling been a blessing...or a curse

No God Modding unless under certain cirucumstances--> the enemies of this wiki are designed to be hard to beat,you cannot simply over power them because you want to,or because you wanna look badass,its just not gonna happen,if you do this i will delete the comment and have you type somthing different,only certain characters in this wiki are meant to be that strong.

Anime Ripoffs --> This wiki in order to remain epic as shit and relevant,has ripped off various anime's of the real world,from Dragonball Z to Inuyasha to Naruto,if that is a problem,leave,this wiki is a fanfiction meaning its our decision what we type,not the worlds.

Character Selection--> This wiki posseses 3 factions (Enduril Aldar and Demon) if you wish to have a character in all three thats great,but it is requested that you do not make your character with the impression that he/she is the greatest thing since ever (for example no demon can over power Cysero except one...spoiler) so tailor your self accordingly.

The Elemental Background Lore
The Aldar Background Lore
Battlefield Champions/Characters
Unique Skills

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2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress stares quietly at him, unfazed by his increase of power and form

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Cysero Chuckles "ah i see,now that my eyes will work for me it appears,its just you,my my dear child what a mess you have gotten yourself into,tell me were the ice element is,and i may make your death painless

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress smiles "You must be as dumb as you are blind if you think I would ever tell you. You should have learned by now I will never help you!"

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Cysero Chuckles stepping forward towards her "my my youve been around that fool to long,defying me is truly a foolish endevour,i was sure i have already killed you weaklings,but if you wish it then so be

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: With a sudden flash of light she appears before him grinning "bring it on old man" she kicks him hard in the chest sending flying and smack hard into several buildings "you should have killed me like the rest!! im no ones bitch!"

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Cysero cough loudlly standing up slowlly from the debris "my my looks like someone is all grown up,how precious,but if you remember its futile,my Byakugan allows me to see physcal attacks coming from a 355 degree angle,your foolish battle ends now! "he charges her prepared to swing"

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress dodges and smacks him hard to the ground "Old age hasnt been kinda to you. Youre slow and weak while Im still young and brimming with life" she kicks him up hard and does a strong spin kick sending him flying

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Cysro crashes threw several parked cars and lays getting up slowlly this time "how dare you mock me,you insolent little worm,age has done nothing i am still going to crush you!"

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: "Then why are you so slow to get up?" Tigress swift kicked him across the face hard. "You're pathetic old man. You pray upon the weak to make yourself feel strong when in reality, you are nothing more than a pathetic husk of a man."

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Cysero snarls swinging his fist,landing a blow only to realize his fist did not even turn her face "what are you,there is no way that that foolish girl could have improved this much

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress grabbed him by throat and hoisted him into the air with ease "Isnt it obvious? I carry the light and life you tried to snuff out in this world. Because of the souls youve slaughtered and the innocent blood youve shed gives me strength to kick your ass!!!" Tigress flung him hard to the ground. She towers over him and stares coldly with her blazing blank eyes

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Cysero snarled angrily driving the rasengan into her torso as clothing is torn away but only a slight wound is made "What!" he quickly breaks her grips and backs away

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress appears behind him and forces him to the ground and holds him there with barely using her foot. The pressure of her power rising caused the ground to crack and shake beneath her. Her eyes blazed as she looked him, her foot slowly becoming heavier on his chest.
"you killed my friends, you and your filthy demons raped me and forced me to bare 5 disgusting monsterous bastard and then refused to let me die so ended my own life... and yet here I am. I told you to never under estimate me."
She pressed hard causing ribs to break

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Cysero snarls loudlly when suddenly a leg slams into the side of her face sending her flying into a nearby building,the three demons that had been with cysero now emerged from where ever they had been hiding*

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress rose without any problems and growled

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: The three prepared for battle not removing there cloaks,snarling loudlly,Suddenly from behind a loud explosion shakes the earth as the large red bones of a Susanoo surround tigress as a large skeletal being lifts heatra's body fro the ground"

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looks around frantically before she ses Heatra and tries to make her way to wards him

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Heatra looks up his eyes streaming with blood,his shirt having been destroyed in Cysero's attack flapping wildlly, as the once skeletal Susanoo no forms what appear to be more human like features heatra rawrs loudlly and the susanoo does aswell,shaking the earth*

Cyser backs away "What is that!"

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress's eyes widen "Heatra???"

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Heatra remained silent as the Susanoo enveloped tigress,seeminglly acting on its own

Cysero gritted his teeth from injury "you fools attack it dont stare at it attack it!

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress tries to break away and get towards Heatra

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Heatra raises his hand and the Susanoo's arm raises,he swats and the Susanoo slaps the threw out of the way as if flies*

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress manages to break free and struggles to make way to Heatra

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Heatra's Susanoo vanishes and heatra falls unconcious,suddenly in a flash of light a Blue Susanoo takes it place and the Cloaked figure appears to be wielding it*

Mystery woman "Get him out of here!"

2015-09-02 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress grabs hold of Heatra and begins to run back to Kasumis house

2015-09-02 [Legendary]: Explosions in the back ground begin shaking the ground,Irene and scott are already halfway down the street with kasumi"

2015-09-03 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress sees them in the distances and made her way to them. She hoisted Heatra up a little more and held him tightly "Scott! Kasumi! Irene! Over here!!!"

2015-09-03 [Legendary]: Irene and scott run past as rear gaurds,Kasumi assist in holding heatra "what the hell happened!"

2015-09-03 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress sighed "He left the house and started a fight with Cysero"
Her eyes went back to normal and as her power level dropped she started feeling a little woozy and kinda sick

2015-09-03 [Legendary]: Kasumi looks astonished "cysero's here!?"

2015-09-03 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress nodded "apparently hes king and we're all dead..."

2015-09-03 [Legendary]: Kasumi sighs helping her and Heatra stand "he took a rasengan,and is still breathing, barely...but breathing

2015-09-03 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress nods "Trust me... it took a lot of energy just to get him breathing again"

2015-09-03 [Legendary]: Kasumi nods carrying them to a nearby house hearing explosions in the distance*

2015-09-03 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress opens the door and helps Kasumi put Heatra in a spare bedroom before laying him on the bed

2015-09-04 [Legendary]: Kasumi sighs "thank goodness were in this time,we have medicine here that can help...wait how did you get away from cysero with no heatra"

2015-09-04 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress sighed "We'll just have to lay low till Heatra is fully healed" Tigress looked at him as she tried remain strong.

2015-09-04 [Legendary]: Kasumi sighs "we are gonna have to go back threw the portal...

*the wall of the house emplodes as Irene goes flying threw it smashing into the ground in the back yard*

2015-09-04 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looks at Irene "Irene get Scott then help us move Heatra. We got to get back home NOW"

2015-09-04 [Legendary]: Scott turns butt is immidietlly kicked aside by one of the cloaked beings"

Cloak "i think not,my master wishes to make mantles of you and so be it"

2015-09-04 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress growls as a blinding evaporates the cloaked man "Fuck this! Lets get out of here or we will get placed in the next exbit!!! Kasumi, what do we do to get back?"

2015-09-04 [Legendary]: Kasumi yells from the yard "i need time can you buy me time!"

The once cloaked demon rises,furious but almost human like "Evil little witch

2015-09-04 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looked at it a little grossed out. "Ill try, I have enough energy to hold them off for awhile" she stepped out through the hole in the wall and set a protection light barriar around Kasumi and Heatra before drawing more light energy and turned to the demon "funny coming from an ugly demon like you."

2015-09-04 [Legendary]: Kotetsu chuckles "foolish little girl,i sence were you are gathering your energy from,what will you do when the clouds blot out the light

2015-09-04 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress smiles as she absord light from lamps and electronic devices draining their energy as her aura grew brighter "I take it back. I love this era" she kick Kotetsu hard in the chest causing him to fly backwards

2015-09-04 [Legendary]: Kotetsu grinds his feet into the ground stopping "like i said,your power is unique but limited,you cant keep this up"

2015-09-04 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress smiles as she stood firmly "Im pretty confident i can cream your ass before then"

2015-09-04 [Legendary]: Kotetsu chuckles "young lady i am one of Lord Cysero's elite gaurd,your challenge of me is futile

2015-09-04 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress folded her arms "Really? Cuz you look like an elite bitch to me. Im Tigress the one that brutally owned Cysero earlier"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu chuckles "aye,that you may be,but just because he has aged does not remove his kingship,but unfortunatlly for you,i dont age

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress smiled "you're right. hes still king of the bitches and you must be his number 1 bitch."

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: /kotetsu's smile fades slowlly "sadlly now,you have too die,a shame really"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress glances over at Heatra and Kasumi to see if the barrier is holding strong. Tigress turns to Kotetsu and stood firmly "I dont think so. I have a real king who actually needs me. Im not going anywhere"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu sighs "well sadlly,your time is up"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress folds her arms "why??? am i going to die to death by your boring speech"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu chuckles "no because this fight is completelly pointless,you call my speech boring,but let us stop and think that your little power decreases with every second i waste antagonizing you,whose foolish now"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress yawns "and yet there are thousands of power sources i can replenish myself with also it would make more sense fighting because it would use up my energy faster when all im needing to do is bide time till Kasumi can get us back home"
Tigress tosses her hair back "oh and its still you by the way, dumb ass"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Zordack smirks "attitude from a preteen how delightful,ill make you a deal you can have the first attack

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress growled "WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYONE KEEP CALLING ME THAT?!!! IM NOT A FUCKING CHILD!" Tigress began to glow white and her eyes a fiery white as she starts off with close combate moves

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu laughs as she pummels him,each blow landing critically"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress round house kicks him hard and sends him flying. She growls "Kasumi how much longer?!"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kasumi turns "its not connecting i dont understand why"

Kotetsu laughs standing up,he makes a stance and wiggles his hand "here girly girly girly"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress growls as she stomps the ground and sends a rock flying straight into his gut "Well hurry and figure it out!!!"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu smirks as it crashes into him,but doesnt move,he watches her responses "whats wrong child,out of juice

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: The earth opened and enclosed around him "dont flatter yourself. i would never use any of my best moves at the very beginning"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu chuckles as the stone envelopes him "nice party trick,does it crush or explode?

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress rolls her eyes as the earth begins tighten around his body

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu laughs and flexes slightly as the stone explodes frm within "come now dear,im giving you so many chances

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress crinkled her nose "ew never call me that ever!" Tigress punches him hard in the chest causing him to smack through a couple of buildings. Tigress coughs a little and tries to breath. She was pushing her limit and her body was starting to take damage from being in this new elemental form for so long

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu smirks "as i thought " Kotetsu begins walking towards her threw the debris "anything else youd like to show me,or are you spent,you know it really is a pity that you were only useful on your back! "He kicks her into a house hard as a snapping sound is heard"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress screams in pain as one of her ribs snapped in two. She sat there for a moment before she stood up and licked the blood away from her cheek "Its a pity you havent learned to shut your mouth by now"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu smirks "please this is depressing,another couple hits like that and you wont be talking like a spoiled child for long"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress winces "you wont kill me. you cant kill me"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu chuckles "no just break you until you cant fight back,then bring you before lord cysero"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress growls "like hell you will." she coughs a little and winces as her body tries to mend the damge she took

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu appears beside her landing several punches to her torso and face before slamming her to the earth,pressing her head against the ground with his foot "now now child,no back talking"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress lays there and smiles "Bite me," Tigress vanishes from under his foot and appears behind him. She turns him around and blows white powder in his face before kneeing him hard "Sit tight" she lets him fall to the ground paralyzed. She looks around frantically before running back to Kasumi. "please tell me its ready"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kasumi turns too her "are you ok,your bleeding an awful lot,and almost"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress nods "ill be fine but youll have to hurry. im using the last of energy to keep up the barrier and i dont know how much time we have till that demon regains movement"

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu begins too stand,his smile completelly gone now gritted teeth "thats it,your dead,everyone of you are dead!"

Kasumi looks behind them horrified,she turns back working fster "shit shit shit shit"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress sits down next to Heatra, feeling a little woozy

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu charges them,as tigress looks down at heatra's face his eyes shoot open,the Magenkyo Sharingan glowing bright and red,as the Susanoo engulfs them all causing Kotetsu too stop"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: (i cant see pic) Tigress feels her body grows heavy as the last bit of her energy is wiped out. Her vision becomes blurry as her body slowly begins to fall

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Heatra slowlly stands and the Susanoo roars loudlly,its ribcage envelopes them protectivly"


2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress lays there. her ears are ringing and her heart was beating slowly "heatra" she said weakly

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Heatra looks up at Kotetsu,he then glances down at Tigress,he kneals down and picks her up letting her lean on him,then faces Kotetsu "know this demon,when i return to my time,you will be the first one i destroy"

2015-09-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress shivers a little as her body leans against him

2015-09-05 [Legendary]: Kotetsu chuckles "judging by how you all look now,you wont last a hour against even myself in the past"

Heatra chuckles gripping tigress so she doesnt fall "ill rip your throat out,and feed it to this younger one,the one who managed to hold you off this long"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress winces a little and hold on to Heatra weakly

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Kotetsu growls loudly

Heatra lifts irene also,the portal sucking them inside"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress grips with what strength she has left "thanks" she says softly

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra pants loudlly,his eyes fading back to there natural color,the woods around them silent and calm

Irene coughs weaklly staggering to her feet "that trip...was ridiculus"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress feels her body grow completely limp as her vision black. She begins to breath slower as her heart beat grows fainter

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra lays her down so she doesnt fall,Kasumi begins healing her"

Kasumi: she fought him by herself,she over did it

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress lays there almost lifeless

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra places his hand on her heart and pulses energy into her body "there thats better"

Irene looks over at her eyes and blinks "there not heatra's but....arent those te basic...

Kasumi stares "Sharingan..."

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress takes a sudden gasp of air and begins to breath properly. She remains lying there as her body begins healing itself from the forest around her.She winces once every now and then till her body heals enough for her to wake. She opens her eyes slowly before looking at them and giving them a painful smile
"you guys look like crap" she says teasingly

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra leans on a tree,his wounds slowlly vanishing"

Irene coughs and then chuckles "well i mean,kicked threw a wall and all

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress leans up and stretches unaware the patch of dead grass outline of her body or the fact how terribly shredded her clothes were

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra glances up "so since when do you posses similar eyes to my own"

Irene nods "yea how do you have sharingan,i mean it isnt the mangekyo...but still

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress tilted her head to the side looking confused "what are you talking about???"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra uses flames to melt some stone till it becomes a mirror "look at your eyes,you posses the basic form of my eyes"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looks into the mirror and gasps in shock "My eyes?!!! wha-what happened to them?!" They were like heatras but more of a soft green at the moment

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra watches her

Irene sighs "great now we have two people with Sharingan

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looks at Heatra not really sure what was going on "I dont understand. Is this bad???"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra shakes his head "no the sharingan is a powerful weapon"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blinked "then this good. maybe this could help us, right?"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra sighs "there still virgin eyes,you have to train them to harness there power"

Irene giggles "so your gonna help her not be a virgin huh

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: tigress blushes hardcore before she glares at irene

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra snarls "silence,Tigress's eyes are dngerous around everyone other than me,so she is going to have to stay in the main palace with me,im the only one who can make eye contact without being trapped in the illusion

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress eyes widen as she turn back to Heatra "what? no! dont i get a say in this?!"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra sighs "your eyes could kill someone at a glance,its non negotiable"

Iree grabs her and hides behind a tree "like this is a bad thing?!?!?! your alone,all day and night...WITH THAT!"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress squirms in Irenes grasp "this isnt fair. i didnt ask for this" bits of cloth begin to tear as she tried to get out of irenes hold, causing her to expose more of herself

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Irene blinks and grabs her more "trust me....if you move again he is gonna see alot more than your eyes,just...stand here and act calm"

Heatra is talking to Kasumi"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress squirms a little uncomfortably but remains still and calm. Her face bright pink

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Irene sighs "just trust me" she motions for tigress to notice her clothes

Heatra nods to kasumi and then picks the unconcious scott up and throws him over his shoulder"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looks at the shredded clothes she wore from Kasumis closet and turns completely red as she covers herself "crap!!! where are my other clothes??"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Irene blinks grabbing her "stop moving so much,look relax forgive me but im gonna make my brother loose interest in the situation " Irene leans up and kisses Tigress,as Heatra glances over and see's he sighs "lets go irene play times over" heatra then vanishes"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress shoves her off and tears up a little as she covers her lips "you jerk, you stole my first kiss"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Irene shakes her head "no see" her body phases out and she comes out from behind a tree" Illusion technique,it felt real but it wasnt me,if your sharingan where more matured youd have seen it easily,but here "she hands her clothing from her bag"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blushes and takes the clothes from her "thanks" Tigress hides behind the tree and changes into her tight fitting clothes. She threw her hair back and sighed as she picked up the demolished clothes

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Irene smirks "besides anytime you need a repeat i dont always have to be static electricity:

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress shook her head as she tries to catch up with the others "thanks im good"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra glances back as she approaches "it seems its me and you in the main palace

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress tries hard not to look at Heatra "gee cant wait"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra nods as they walk the opposite direction of the others,they enter and heatra removes his chestpiece of armor,revealing his muscular arms and chest as he stretches "that battle proved i need more training"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blushes as she walks past him "no it proves youre an idiot and that you need to think your actions out more carefully"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra chuckles "my attack style is different then yours thats all

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress glares at him "i wasnt talking about your attacks. i admit youre very strong Heatra but both you and i almost died today because of your blind actions"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra sighs "Cysero is a different matter,his Byakugan doesnt allow me the chance to attack rationally"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress rolls her eyes but decides shes too tired to argue. she makes her way to the window and looks out at the city. She held herself as she watched people hurry home for the night. She looked at the moon and felt cold as she thought about Cysero and the future that awaited them. She trembled at the thought.

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra glances at the moon,then down at tigress then relaxes back on a bench made of cloth and wool,he relaxes and then lets out a loud sigh "so theres one more problem,there is only a single bed in these chambers

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress turns bright red but refuses to turn to look at him. "If you have a pillow and blanket to spare I will sleep on the floor. Im used to sleeping on the ground anyways"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Heatra shakes his head "no im sleeping here "he says as his eyes are already closed " beds yours,just try not too mess up the silk or anything,hard to replace since cysero took all of our silk farms

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looks at the bed and sighs "thank you. i will make sure to treat it with care" she looked at the city on last time before crawling into the bed. She laid her head on the pillow and blushes as she breathed in Heatra scent. She closed her eyes tightly "Good night"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: the doors close and there is silence followed by a cold breeze of wind,suddenly the cloaked girl appears "you survived thank the gods!

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress jumps and then growls as she rubs her eyes sleepily "damnit cant you ever just not appear out of no where. its getting annoying"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Snyder removes her cloak quietlly,and runs to her "im sorry i just didnt realize you had to fight Kotetsu alone,are you injured"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress shook her head as she yawned before looking at her "not anymore. i was pretty bad but after healing im a lot better. still wont be able to use any of my power till around tomorrow evening"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Snyder sighs "im sorry i shouldve never sent you back in time,or you wouldnt have ever been attacked by these strong demons

Her eyes flash in the dark and they share a different design but they are infact the Mangekyo Sharingan"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress shook her head "no its fine im glad you did. i enjoy it here"

2015-09-06 [Legendary]: Synder sighs "well atleast you survived,i had to use my eyes,but it doesnt matter atleast we made it back"

2015-09-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress sat up a little as she looks over at Heatra, seeing if he still was asleep. "Barely... I dont remember much but... i think both Heatra and I died at one point. and i earned the ability to use sharingan like Heatra. So much has happened, its a little overwhelming at times." she thought about cysero and the horrifying thought that she was forced to give birth to 5 monsterous creatures. she shivered as she looked at Synder "Is it true? Did all those things really happen to us?"

2016-01-13 [Legendary]: Snyder sighs "Aye,the world you are living in is a cruel one"

(not gonna lie,toooooootally lost and i hate it XD)

2016-01-14 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress hugged her knees gently feeling a tinge of fear squeeze her heart. She wasnt really sure what to say. She didnt fear dying, death was inevitable so she learn to accept it... but rape, torture, forced to bare 5 monsters and then end up taking her own life truly terrified her.
She looks over at Heatra, watching him sleep. "Guess it just another reason for us to ensure Heatra kills that bastard"

(just hit 200 older comments and glance through it lol im happy youre back!!!!)

2016-01-14 [Legendary]: Snyder looks upon endurils champion with a hard glance "very soon,sooner than expected,he will be tested,tested in this dimension,it will be a fight you cannot participate in,only watch his struggle,but he must prevail

2016-01-14 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looked at her "What must I do to ensure his victory?"

2016-01-14 [Legendary]: Synder sighs "it cannot be decided threw anyone's involvement,Heatra and Cysero will clash,yet neither will die,but both will have something revealed to them

2016-01-15 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress felt a little annoyed "Then whats the point of sending me back if I cant help?"
She slips out from the bed and walks out onto the balcony. She took in a deep breath of the warm summer air as she gazed at the city around her. "Dont get me wrong. I enjoy being here and I treasure the friendships I've gained along the way. Because of them I am more motivated than ever before to stop Cysero and ensure Heatra's rise to the throne. But why do I feel so terrified?"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder slinks to the floor,her normal composure giving away to slight aggitation "Even with your help,there are still things Heatra must learn on his own accord,he is different than all of us,he learns by being proven in battle,sadly,thats what leads to his death,but you see with you here we can make sure that it slowlly turns towards a more rational approach

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looked at Synder "I suppose you're right. Though everyone is a sensable as me, I am the only one who's foolish enough to try to reason with Heatra when hes in a blinded rage" she smiled and laughed gently "its kind of ironic in a way"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder Glanced up,her eyes filled lightly with moisture "this is how Heatra dies,the final charge,the final attack,he resorts to a reckless charge,his last chance,he abandons all logic and rushes Apocolypta....and perishes

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress feels as if her heart plunged into a pool of ice water. She takes a deep breath before taking Synders hands and smiles reassuringly "I promise that wont happen. I wont let it. I swear on my very life and my new abilities I will make sure Heatra lives."

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder watches her,but is not deter'd,she glances down and then away "there is a reason Cysero wishes Heatra's death,but both are blind,both are foolish in there young current ages, all else that moves

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blinked "is it because of the gate that hold the demon king??"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder glances back up "Partially,you see,the gate would never have come into play if...others had not stirred it,these others are not Heatra nor Cysero,they are pawns in a bigger that must unfold to keep history correct

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress frowns "Who are they???"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder sighs "its not found out,history hides it,if i new,id not waste my time and have Heatra and Cysero learn of these traitors

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress sighs "well... on step at a time I suppose" she looks at Heatra sleeping and smiles "besides keeping him outta trouble is a full time job. Not to mention fighting off Irene aggressive advances" she said w/ a laugh

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Synder smirks slighty "you get used to them " she stops as her eyes widen and she covers her mouth "i mean,eventually youll get used to them!"

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blinks before she narrows her eyes and studies Synder "Synder... why did future Cysero demand that I hand you over??? I know youre ice abilities are rare but everyone said ice elementals have been dead for years so how does he know about you??? And how do you have Heatra seal? I thought only household members Heatra chose personally can create it but youre from the future so..." she stops, her eyes widden "oh my god. Are you one of the other 3 elementals Im suppose to find?!"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder sighs "no because i havent been born yet,not for another 12 years actually,i served under Heatra in the war against the gate demon,he assigned defend the rear,i only survived because i was to far from the fighting

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress frowns a little but hugs her gently "Its okay, it was good of Heatra do that. If he hadnt, you would have died and the world would have been destroyed. And since you told me, more than likely I told him and Heatra assigned you there knowing you were strong enough to handle it." she smiles brightly

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder sighs "it was because i was weak yes,i was barelly able to hold my own in training,so i was sent to the back against my requests to fight on the front line,and then....we got the word that Heatras Son was loosing the fight,we were loosing hope,and somehow heatra returned from the afterlife...with Cysero

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looks at her sympathetically but then jumps suddenly "wait-wait-wait.... in 12 yrs HEATRA HAS A SON?! With who?! please not Irene. Kasumi will be soooo pissed."

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Synders face turns blank as she thinks "when i was it was 12 years after his death,so it could be several years from this history point but yes,a son to the throne,the mother i presume is kasumi but i am not sure

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blinks "wait... 12 yrs after?? that would mean he would have died recently if you are going to be born 12 yrs in the future"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyders eyes drift to the sleeping Heatra "Heatra dies from wounds sustained in the fight against Cysero,but history is not specific,due to my and your distorted future,we cant pinpoint exactlly which battle kills him other than the knowledge that it is infront of the gate of apocolypse,if the gate is near,then Heatras last fight may be at hand

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress rubs her eyes and sighs as she heads back inside "Im gonna stop asking questions. This all getting confusing and Im actually very drained from the battle earlier"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder nods "Sadly i agree,you need all the rest you can partake,esspecially if Heatra is the one training you

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress slips into the silk sheets and growled "ugh dont remind me. anyways good night synder. i wish you a good nights rest and that you have a good day tomorrow." she lays down in the bed and closes her eyes for sleep

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: *Several Hours time skip*

Heatra stirs from his sleep and opens his eyes seeing the sun,he stretches from his bed and growls loudlly "ah morning

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress sleeps deeply, curled comfortly under the sheets. She murmers sleeply, as she turns from the sunlight.

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Heatra steps out onto the balcony and takes in the suns rays,his smile revealing his fangs as cracks his knuckles "Today is going to be intence,and i cant wait,i can feel it,a chill,omnious in the air,its awsome

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress opens her eyes lazily and groans as she flopped the pillow over head. "i hate you" she mumbled gently

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Heatra Glances back at her and chuckles,then vanishes,his energy,presence all completelly gone*

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress lifts her head and looks around. She sighs as she straightens the clothes she borrowed from Irene and slips out of the bed to the bathroom. She washes her face and grooms her hair before crawling back into bed. 

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Heatra Re-appears hovering over here,forehead inches from hers,his eyes locked as his chiseled torso hovers inches from her,and he speaks "its time to get up you know this correct

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress jumps a little before glaring at him "i will rise when i feel like it. im exhausted from reviving both of us AND from using the new ability i gained so unless you plan on letting me stay in the baths all day, im not getting up"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Heatra chuckles floating above her,he drops slightlly,a few inches from her lips and smirks "i dont remember much of the battle,but what i do know is your new power is unique to you,you done well in short time,so instead why dont you spend the day training yourself to relax

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress shifts uncomfortably as she tries to move a little, trying to be not so close up to him. she could feel his warm breath brush against her skin "Thank you. I appreciate it"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Heatra nods "good then" he flips and lands nearby "if youll excuse me,the tavern calls "he leaves"

Snyder suddenlly appears from a pillar,her really shitty disguise obvious and she sighs "jesus...i fell asleep,well i mean,king of the elements,leader of a master race,cant see threw wood....nice

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress groans "Shut up. I already have enough problems with this arrangements. Im trying to keep focus and not get distracted... which doesnt help with the set up Im in." tigress gets up and walks to the window to see Heatra go to the tavern

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder follows her "its strange huh,how such a attractive guy can be such a prick " she blinks then scowls "HEY was he flirting with you

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blinks and thinks for a moment "I dont know... wait. did he give me two compliments?!"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyders Eyes widen to the point her Sharingan Deploy on there own "oh my god,he compimented you,TWICE

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blushed hardcore. "I didnt think Heatra knew how to compliment others! W-what on earth is going on???"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder shrugs "idk maybe,maybe he did it without meaning to? men are strange"

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress shrugged "All humans are strange." she looked at the tavern curiously "why does he go to that building? Is the drinks different there or something??"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder sighs "well he would like to have the whole kingdom think its because of that but,its built ontop of where his father fell in battle"

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress eyes widden as she starred at the tavern. She let out a sigh "I dont think I could understand his loss. My parents were killed before I could even walk so I wouldnt know the pain of that kind of loss. They must have been close for him to go there often"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder watches the building in the distance "Sadly,it wasnt his father that died infront of him,his mother was cut down infront of him"

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress blinked "His mother???"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder nods watching the horizon "Aye,his mother attempted to protect him,Cysero did not care

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress looked sympathetically at the tavern "how awful." she said with a mixture of sadness and anger in her voice

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder sighs gripping the Stone Balcony "at age 5 Cysero was capable of finishng his fathers work,imagine how much more powerful he has become

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress' eyes widden "Thats amazing. No wonder why hes so determind to become stronger"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder slowly slides down the wall sitting on the floor "ts almost too much,to fathom that Cysero is this strong in the past,in the future,i was almost unrivaled,unchallenged,and we go back in time and bam,im....a flee"

2016-01-16 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Tigress shook her head "youre not flea. when standing next to Heatra and Cysero the entire world feels small compared to their intense power. but that doesnt mean we are worthless. You, Kasumi and I all traveled through time to ensure Cysero falls and Heatra becomes the rightful king. Even Cysero cant deny we are a small threat to his plans"

2016-01-16 [Legendary]: Snyder nods "to his subordinates maybe,but too Him Personally,no matter how many times we knock him down,he pretends,he isnt really hurt,he isnt really intimidated"

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